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May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Virginia Church of God Danville District FRESH FIRE DISTRICT WORSHIP SERVICE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2023, 6:00PM JOEL/TALLEY RIVER OAK CHURCH, 120 RIVER OAK DRIVE, DANVILLE, VA'


I have drawn from the well of observation today. I have come to the conclusion that I can either be right…or, happy.
The two are not the same as on the rare occasions that I am right there is only momentary satisfaction. But I find that I am happiest when I have chosen to mind my own business and let things be what they will be. Especially, when my influence will not help or has nothing to do with me in the first place. I do this as often as possible. Sometimes, I’m dragged into stuff that ain’t mine. But you can bet I’m kicking and screaming. I don’t like it.
It’s kind of like that story of the old man who still had all of his teeth. It wasn’t so much the flossing but the ability to mind his own business that kept his choppers healthy for all of those years.
Even minding your own business thing can get you drawn into someone else’s drama. Hayley and Diane were riding the golf cart one night while we were away. There was a somewhat inebriated person on the cart in front of them who was extremely bothered by the lights on our cart shining so brightly upon them. It got ugly. I won’t go into the details other than to say they will not be going to dinner together.
You know, we’re all being examined under an extremely bright light. How we act in certain situations will determine folks opinions of us. You may be one of those who think people don't have the right to judge you. That's okay but they're doing it. We don't have to like it but it does happen.
God observes the way of all people both good and bad. He determines who will be rewarded for their action and who will suffer punishment and it won’t matter then what we think about who we are. We have to take this one relationship in our lives seriously over all others as it is the most important. Walk carefully before Him, leaving nothing to chance. Live each day with a keen awareness that His eye is upon you and nothing escapes His notice.
You know what that means? Means that you should work harder at the being happy part. That in itself will make you a better person. Who doesn't want that?
We aren’t guaranteed the next moment so make the most of your next moments. And be sure to do all that you do counts for something.
Make that a part of your thinking today. Is it better to be right or to be happy? Does everyone have the right to your opinion or is the best play to mind your own business every now and then? Do you use the best words to express your feelings or do you just go off in the hopes that someone will bring you back?
The choice is yours. You can do it!
So ask yourself, when the light comes on, what will He see?
-Pastor Butch
Did you ever think about how deceptive “time” is?
For example, “Time heals all wounds” is only true if someone is doing something. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder” is poetry. The truth is that absence causes division.
I think that as we grow through the process of aging, we envision a life of what’s at first hard work but evolves into a life of peace. But time is deceptive. Sure, age brings wrinkles and spots but it also brings callouses, hard places that grew to mask heartbreak and discontent.
Here’s what I know about time. It’s filled with mistakes and regrets. It’s the way that I choose to use them that makes the difference.
Some of them are eye opening. Paul prayed that the eyes of our hearts may be opened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you. This is the only way that we may see God’s goodness. Might be that we need to open our eyes to the possibility that some of what we endure is for our own good that one day we may have the peace that we do long for.
Does that make sense to you? Do you need some encouragement today? It may just be the time that you find those things that are within your power to change that will make your life better. Believe me, the Lord will do His part. How about you do yours?
Before time runs out?
Have a great Saturday!
-Pastor Butch

135  Winstead Dr. 

Danville VA 

(434) -792-5999

1 Corinthians 9:23 - "And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you."

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Weekly Encouragement


Instead of pondering your problems, refresh yourself in His peaceful Presence trusting that He is working in your behalf!  Remember that you ate never alone in your struggles.  You have a Helper the Holy Spirit to show you the way forward!  This will set you free! 
Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."