Veterans Day

“I guess I do it for her,” he said, pointing to his wife, “because it’s, (cancer), got me." Smiling at his bride, he said, "But I got fifty-one years with her.” He said, “I still wake up a lot of nights and I’m there, (Vietnam). She and I both have had to work through a lot.”
He was drafted, forced into war. And it hasn’t ended. But according to him, it’ll be over soon. Sadly for some, that war never ends. I did all that I could think to do in the moment. I thanked this American hero for his service.
There are too many with stories like his.
Like so many others, I have not served in the military but, I have infinite respect for those who have and do. This conversation reinforced that feeling. Great men and women serve all of their lives, for the effort of that service never ends as they suffer pain and disability, not to mention the sorrow filled memories of those brothers and sisters that were lost. Yet for most, they have no regrets. Freedom is indeed, not free.
While surrounded by uncertainty daily, we have constant reminders to celebrate the sacrifices of men and women, families who gave all. And, are still giving. I guess I could’ve waited to post this. But, if you are reading this today, thank you. Please know that because of you, I am extremely proud to be an American.
For that, I am eternally grateful. Happy Veteran's Day!
God bless you, dear friends, and God bless the United States of America!
-Pastor Butch
No events
“I have sworn an oath to David,
and in my holiness I cannot lie:
His dynasty will go on forever;
his kingdom will endure as the sun.
It will be as eternal as the moon,
my faithful witness in the sky!”
-Psalms 89
Goodnight Y’all!
Blessings for a greater tomorrow!
-Pastor Butch

Seems appropriate for the day. 
Whenever I am on the road and a storm comes up, I just keep driving. Both hands on the wheel. I take my time. At some point, the storm will pass making me closer to the finish. 
Then, I read this story:
A young woman was driving with her father and they ran into a storm. The young woman asked her father: What should I do? Her father told her, “Keep driving." Cars began to pull to the edge, the storm was getting worse. What should I do dad? - "Keep driving," replied her father. Up ahead, a trailer was pulling up as well. She said, "Dad, should I stop? It's terrible and everyone is stopping!" Her father said, "No, keep driving!" Now the storm was stronger, but she obeyed her dad, and soon she could see a clearing ahead. After a couple of miles she was again in a quiet, calm and sunny area. Her father told her, "Now you can stop and get out." She said, "But why now?" He told her: "When you get out, look back. All the people who surrendered are still in the storm, you did not give up and your storm is behind you. If you are going through "hard times". Remember even if everyone else, even the strongest, stops or gives up, you keep going, because soon your storm will end and the sun will shine on you again.”
When the storms of life come upon you, keep driving. The life of a Christian keeps moving forward. The past is just that, passed. Keep it moving. There’ll be some in your life that’ll pull to the side. You just keep going. 
It’s our faith that moves us! Hope in things unseen. Maybe I can’t see the end of my storm but I know it’s there. 
There may be some pain, clouded vision and patience involved but, He’ll be there. Trust Him and…
Keep driving!
-Pastor Butch

135  Winstead Dr. 

Danville VA 

(434) -792-5999

1 Corinthians 1:13 - "Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?"

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Weekly Encouragement


The way to find joy in adversity is to have an encounter with Christ.  As you unplug your emotions from all the problems and plug them into His Presence, good things start to happen.  Your dark mood grows steadily lighter and brighter.  You can be joyful in the midst of brokenness by staying connected to Jesus!  John 15:4 "Remain in Me, and I will remain in you.  No branch can bear fruit by itself......Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me."   Stay connected an d be joyful!