In the spirit of Memorial Day!
Diane and I went to look through what seems mountains of things that we have in storage. Things that belonged to her mother and dad. As we did that, I began to remember time that I shared with those precious people. That led me to think of people in my own family and at my age friends, who have gone onto their reward.
Those memories were very vivid and really therapeutic for lack of a better way to express it because I thought about the things they’d taught me and how I use that wisdom today. What surprised me about that time was that there were no thoughts of ill-will, battles or lingering scars. Just a celebration of lives that with all that included love, joy, faith and family.
What I found was gratitude. These people knew what I needed because they knew time would come, very quickly I might add, when I would be them.
Transitions are being made today. Lives are being shaped. Just as the American soldier lights the path of freedom so does the Father light the path for new generations to lead their families. He uses moms and dads, aunts and uncles, and yes, even pastors, to do it.
Someday your kid will be going through what’s left. What will be there be for them to ponder?
What are we teaching our children? How are we living before them? Could be that we don’t just need to wake up. Time has come for us to grow up.
Hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend!
Make church a part of it!
-Pastor Butch