You Are Worth It
Ephesians 2:10, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
How about that? You were formed by the hands of the One who loves you most. I think we all struggle with that fact on occasion. We show it in the way that we determine our worth.
The Apostle Paul said that he didn’t understand why he did what he did. In Romans 7, he told of his internal conflict, that battle of good versus evil. He declared it in very dramatic terms in such a way as humankind could comprehend. Because he was a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, his struggle with self was not taken away. He had to deal with it. Never though, did he allow someone else to determine his value. Jesus established that on the Damascus Road when He chose Paul to evangelize the Gentile nation.
I’d reckon we’ve all had a “Damascus Road” experience. We met Jesus at some point in the most unexpected way and He touched us there. And for some, it changed the way they looked at life forever.
Never let anyone or anything take away from how far you’ve come. That kind of bondage makes for a very miserable and unhappy Christian life. Besides, if we are so afraid that the tiniest misstep will take us back to where we began, we’ve missed the meaning of God’s liberty for us. Life is not a fairy tale. It’s real. Things happen. Some of them predetermined. Deal with them and keep walking. You can do it!
You can do it!
Being content spiritually, mentally and emotionally, can be found in the satisfaction of knowing we’re headed in the right direction and that we are walking in the will of God.
A masterpiece is a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship. It is a piece of work by a master craftsman and its value is determined by who made it. Jesus is our master craftsman. You are valuable today because you were crafted in the image of the Master. So hold your head up and walk in it.
Paul also said that you were bought with a price. The tab paid by the blood of Jesus…
And, you are worth every drop.
-Pastor Butch