
There’s an anxious spirit about the world today. It’s a general feeling of unease as if there is imminent danger just around the corner.
Anxiety is the result of uncertainty over fears and worries that come up as a consequence of living. In the Bible, David suffered anxiety but said that God showed up and got him through those dark times.
Christians can and do, suffer anxieties, both big and small. So, don’t be too hard on yourself. Following Jesus doesn’t make us immune to the things that came into this world through sin. What sets us apart from those who don’t have a relationship with the Lord is that we have His strength and that ensures us the victory over the hard stuff and the spiritual attacks that come with being a child of God.
Look what Jesus said in John 16, “I have told you these things so you may have peace in Me. In the world you will have much trouble. But take hope! I have power over the world!”
What a promise!
So if you are feeling a bit down tonight, remember that you are an overcomer because Jesus said so.
Take a deep breath! Rest easy! You gotta be ready! Tomorrow is your do-over!
-Pastor Butch
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The sunset behind our church tonight.
Photo taken by Scott Sexton

135  Winstead Dr. 

Danville VA 

(434) -792-5999

Ecclesiastes 9:17 - "The words of wise men are heard in quiet more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools."

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Weekly Encouragement

written by Frank Gupton


You may feel like you are climbing your mountain alone, stop and re-center your thoughts on Jesus!  He's a constant companion, ready to help you take the next step and then the next.  You have to take only one step at a time!  Instead of dreading the journey ahead of you, direct your focus to the present and on His Presence with you!  2 Timothy 4:18 "The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and bring me safely into His heavenly kingdom.  To Him be the glory forever and ever." I'm climbing up!  How about you?   

Thought for the day:
The outlook for today may call for a blanket, a hot cup of coffee, a nap and scrolling through Facebook. While you’re there, maybe you’ll allow me to speak into your life a minute. 
The high call for godly living makes sense in light of the price that was paid at Calvary for your redemption. As a people, we must stop allowing our love to turn on a hinge of constantly asking for forgiveness where there is no intention of change. 
Though there is no limit to God’s forgiveness, there must be repentance in the heart of the asker. True repentance involves a qualitative component of change in the life of the asker as well as, a quantitative component of the want to. Anything less amounts to asking the Lord to overlook one’s lack of effort. 
He cannot do that for He is just, righteous, and holy. 
Forgiveness begins in the heart of the one being forgiven. Then, Matthew 3:8 says, “Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance…” In this verse, Peter has issued a challenge to prove sincerity by  living a life that is a living demonstration of faith in Jesus and the love of Christ without hesitation. 
If we are truly saved by the precious blood of Jesus then we know we cannot continue to live as if we were not. 
I pray you be encouraged by these words. 
-Pastor Butch