As night falls on this another Labor Day, I find myself doing a little reminiscing, thinking about once was.
As a culture, we have really let ourselves go. We’ve got so many “rights” today that we can’t accept that some things just might be wrong. Or, that someone can offer an opinion contrary to the status quo.
I’m cool with change but not just for the sake of it. Anybody ever heard “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?” Mankind implements change to satisfy one social class expecting the other ten to accept it without complaint. Seems that we’re okay with other people “changing” as long as we don’t have to? I’m typing in my own sarcasm.
As a boy, most of the kids I hung out with are now grandma’s and grandpa’s who raised their kids with a mixture of blood, sweat and plain old hard work. (There are likely more tears now…

) We did the best we could with what we had.
But look at us now. We’re everything from doctors and lawyers to farmers and mechanics. I know we’re a different generation but still, I don’t think we have to be less to be more. Nor should we be forced to go along to get along.
Today is our day. “Simply put, Labor Day celebrates Americans who labor. It is a day to appreciate the economic and societal impact of hardworking Americans and to reflect on the progress our country has made as a result of the American workforce.”
A lot of them have gone on to their reward and many of those who remain are retired now but, willing to share knowledge with anyone who asks. Both men and women. Just be reminded. They have the wisdom to use that knowledge. Wisdom is something you have to get on your own.
What, did you think someone else was going to do all the work? I don’t mean to be snarky but it seems that’s how the new America works. Just saying.
Still the greatest country in the world but, “Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.”