Grandma’s House

Y’all remember how good it was to go to Grandma’s house? I wrote a part of this last year and I believe it is one of the best devotions, and honorific, that I have written on the most beloved part of a kid’s life.
I had compared this visit to how relaxed the effort to showing up at church has become today. I related our loving church but not going there to our loving grandma but never visiting her.
So what am I saying you ask? People who choose not to come to church still expect the same attention as those who are faithful, when trial comes into their lives. Now, don’t get bent out of shape but I was raised to believe that the best way to insure that I am taken care of is to have a relationship with the one who provides that care. That means that I have to go by the house more than every now and then.
It was this thought that led me to tell a story about my grandmother. She possessed a quiet grace. Defended her family. Loved her family. Didn’t have a lot but was generous with what she did have. And, she made the best biscuits, banana pudding and chicken and dumplings in the world.
That banana pudding…I can just taste it. And, those biscuits. Man alive, they were so good. Add homemade apple butter and if you was to lay one on your forehead, your tongue would beat your brains in to get to it.
When I needed her, didn’t have to ask. She knew and was there. She was the one where love was a natural attribute and I wanted to be around that as often as I could. This week marked thirty years that she had been with Jesus. I miss her terribly. Glad I’ll see her again.
Do you know how to make a relationship like that happen? By going to her house. A lot. Then when I needed something, I didn’t have to be ashamed of myself because that wasn’t the only time I came by. That relationship was personal. It was cultivated and then, it was maintained. With her I found peace. I found rest.
A relationship with God is like that. It’s personal. Its fellowship and love and trust. Just between you and Him. He knows your deepest thoughts. He cares for you because you are valuable to Him.
Do you know how to make a relationship like that happen? By going to His house. Then when trouble comes, you don’t have to be ashamed of yourself because you only came by when you needed something. That relationship is personal. It is cultivated and then, it is maintained. With Jesus there is peace. With Him there is rest.
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
Being at grandma’s offers an unmatched comfort in this world. There was an easiness and if you are lucky like I was, there was a love there that you’ll seek for the rest of your life. When it’s not there, you give it. Because that’s what she taught you to do.
In Jesus there is unmatched comfort. If that relationship is first in your life, you’ll find that it’s like the memories of grandma’s house. His is a love that you’ll seek for the rest of your life by giving it. It’s what He taught us to do.
Jesus said, “As the Father loved me, I too have loved you. Remain in my love.” In that the Christian can find peace and security.
Jesus built Grandma a house. I guess it’d be okay for me to think that she’s made Him a banana pudding. I mean it is heaven, ain’t it?
Hope He builds my house right next to hers. That’d be awesome!!!
-Pastor Butch